Getting Started: Understanding the Basics of Automation Testing #01

Getting Started: Understanding the Basics of Automation Testing #01


let's break down automation testing in simple terms:

Imagine you have a robot friend named TesterBot. TesterBot's job is to check if a computer program or a website works correctly. Instead of TesterBot doing everything manually like a human, we can teach it some tricks to do the testing automatically.

Automation testing is like giving TesterBot a set of instructions so it can perform tests on its own. These instructions tell TesterBot what buttons to click, what information to input, and what results to expect. This way, TesterBot can quickly and repeatedly check if the program or website is behaving as expected without a human having to do the same steps over and over.

In summary, automation testing is like having a helpful robot buddy who can test software without getting tired or bored, making the testing process faster and more efficient.

Why We Use Automation Testing: Automation testing is like a superhero for software development. It's a big help for teams to make sure their apps work well. Let's find out why more and more groups are using automation to make testing easier and to create really good software.


  1. Save the time.

  2. Faster.

  3. Requires less manual effort.

  4. Restless.

  5. Accuracy will be higher.

  6. Multi-task.

  7. Requires less human resources.


  1. The initial investment will be more.

  2. It requires constant maintenance.

  3. It requires additional skill sets.

Picking the Best Automation Testing Tools:

There are a lot of tools for automation testing Ex: Selenium, QTP, PlayWright, Cypress, Appium, AutoIT, etc, and it can be confusing. We'll help you understand popular ones like Selenium, talk about what they're good at, and assist you in choosing the right one for your project.


Automation testing is not just a trend; it's a necessity in today's fast-paced software development landscape. By understanding the basics and following best practices, you're equipped to embark on a testing journey that ensures the reliability and success of your software applications.

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